The Team

The Consortium is led by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Portugal and composed by other European VET providers (Italy, Portugal, Turkey) and a technical partner expert in survey development, data analysis and AI (France), leading the production of the AI-based evaluation model.

Camera di Commercio Italiana per il Portogallo | Logo

Camera di Commercio Italiana
per il Portogallo

A chamber of commerce operating in Portugal since 1916, in order to support and increase the trade between the two Countries

Gide | Logo


30 years of experience in survey development and data analysis, development of ad hoc IT and Al baseo svstems

Impulsa Igualdad Logo

Impulsa Igualdad

Non-profit organization that represents and carries out programs in favor of more + 100 000 with physical disabilities

AEVA | Logo


An inclusive digital and innovative Hub

TUCEP | Logo


A national network with more than 30 years of experience in VET

BOSEV | Logo


A pioneer Foundation in health and education based initiatives

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.

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